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Adding A New Member
Updated over a week ago

As your business grows, Nash makes it easy to add new members so everyone on your team can view deliveries. You can also update existing members, and remove team members altogether.

Adding A New Member

To add a new Member, log in to your dashboard, and click the Settings icon on the left. Then, click Team to bring up the list of current Members in your account. To add a team member, click the Team Member button in the top right corner.

The next screen is where you'll enter your team member's email address and select their role. Generally speaking, the Operations role allows Members to access the history dashboard, enter new orders, and see analytics, and the Admin role allows access to the same as well as team management and settings, and billing. Any Member who is an Owner can access all of those things as well.

Once you add the team member, if that email address does not have a role with any other organization in Nash, they will receive a Welcome email from [email protected]. They will need to click on the link to confirm their account and set up their password.

If they are a member of another organization in Nash, then they will not receive an email but will see the new organization that they can select when they log in next time.

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