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Setting rules for how your deliveries auto-dispatch.

Updated over a week ago

Nash gives you the ability to set rules for how your deliveries are automatically dispatched with options like cities, package value, and item count. This feature gives you more control over your deliveries by providing the flexibility needed to ensure successful delivery no matter the circumstances.

Setting Up Automations

In order for Automations to be successful, you’ll need to make sure you have a Dispatch Strategy set up. For more information on setting up a dispatch strategy, review our article Understanding Dispatch Strategies.

In Nash, navigate to Settings>Automations.

Note: Automations apply to all deliveries that meet the defined criteria and do not have a dispatch strategy attached.

Notice there are both Active and Inactive tabs. Once created, your automations will automatically be active. If you want to turn an automation off, you can do so and it will remain in the Inactive tab for use later. To get started setting up an automation, click Create New Rule.

Decide what you want to name the rule. We recommend using a standard naming convention to make it easy for you and your colleagues to remember what the rule is and why it’s set up.

Select a Dispatch Strategy to attach to this automation, then click Create. When a delivery comes into Nash and a dispatch strategy is not specified, the delivery will run through the automation you have created, and then attach the dispatch strategy you have specified.

Now it’s time to start adding your automation criteria. This is the series of “if” statements your deliveries will go through to then determine the correct dispatch strategy they should be attached to.

For this example, I want any of my deliveries that have a package value over $50 to have my specified dispatch strategy attached.

Select the appropriate criteria for the filter. I’m using Greater Than for this example so that any delivery Greater Than $50.00 USD will go through this automation.

Note: When using Equals, the value entered must match the value in that field when the delivery is entered exactly. If there are spelling mistakes or other errors, the automation won’t match exactly, and therefore cannot be used.

You can add more criteria by using the +Or / +And selections.

In the finished example above, when a delivery is placed in Nash, Nash will look at the Package Value of the delivery. If the Package Value is greater than $50, then Nash will automatically assign the specified Dispatch Strategy to that delivery.

Note: When you want a delivery to go through this automation, do NOT select a dispatch strategy upon delivery creation. If the Automation criteria are met, the automation will attach the appropriate Dispatch Strategy to the delivery.

You can tell if a delivery has gone through automation by referencing the Summary section of the delivery on the delivery details page. Clicking on Dispatched via Automation will allow you to see the automation your delivery went through to determine the Dispatch Strategy.

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