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Updated over a week ago

The Analytics tab in Nash makes it easy for you to view delivery operations overall. You can filter and sort to be as granular or broad as you choose.

Filtering Analytics

Analytics can be filtered several different ways. The filters at the top allow you filter by:

  • Date Range

  • Date Grouping

  • City

  • Pickup Business Name

  • Dropoff Business Name

Be sure click Apply Filters once you've decided the timeframe and items you want to see.

Out Of The Box Reports

The out-of-the-box reports Nash offers are:

  • Delivered packages

  • Delivered package value

  • Nash reassigned packages

  • Package completion rate

  • Active pickup locations

  • Active dropoff locations

You can download the details of these reports by clicking the vertical ellipses and selecting Download.

Scrolling down further on the page, you also have the ability to filter for specifics regarding pickup locations, and provider metrics.

For these types of reports, after filtering, you can download the report directly, or email a copy of the report.

Raw Data

If there are items you want to measure that are not already there, you can use the Raw Data report to filter and download.

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