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Notification Settings
Notification Settings
Updated over a week ago

What Are Notifications?

Nash has a built-in, fully customizable, notifications platform. This platform enables you to own the end-to-end customer experience and keep your internal teams up to speed on potential issues.

Each notification is broken down into two primary parts: defining the trigger and message, and identifying the audience. The trigger and message are defined in each Notification Trigger, and the audience is defined by the Destination. By separating the trigger and message from the audience, Nash makes it easy to send multiple notifications to the same audience.

Within the message section, you will have access to delivery-specific variables that you can use to customize the message to your end customer or internal team.

Only Flags can be set up without a Destination.

SMS, email, Slack and Webhook notifications can't be sent without first setting up a Destination to send them too. Use this article to help you set up Destinations!

By default your account will have 3 customer-facing SMS notifications enabled, and 2 internal notifications that are disabled. To see these notifications and edit them if necessary, follow these steps:

  1. From anywhere within the Nash dashboard, go to Settings>Triggers to see the default Notifications.

Each notification serves a different purpose, so let's take a closer look at each one.

Default Notification Settings - A Closer Look

The default notifications sent to your end customer are all SMS messages that are triggered upon a status transition from the delivery provider. This means that your end customer will receive an SMS message as the delivery progresses to its eventual completion. All notifications can be easily customized to fit your needs and brand voice, but the default messages are described below.

For a list of variables that can go into your notifications to customize your end-user experience, scroll down to the Resources section of this article.

Notifications Sent to Your End Customer

The messages intended for end customers are configured, and enabled, by default. They are configured to automatically send an SMS message to the phone number that was provided as the drop-off phone number, typically the end customer.

Status transitions to Pickup Complete

The first default notification that is triggered happens as soon as Nash receives a Pickup Complete status from the delivery provider. When this occurs, the provided drop-off phone number will receive the following SMS message:

Your order from {{pickup_business_name}} has been picked up. Stay tuned for more text updates and track the delivery here {{job_tracking_link}}

The {{pickup_business_name}} and {{job_tracking_link}} are variables, as designated by the surrounding curly brackets, or braces, and will be replaced with information specific to each delivery.

The delivery tracking link can be used by the end customer to track the location, ETA, and eventual proof of delivery photo for their delivery.

Status transitions to Dropoff Enroute

The next default notification that is triggered happens as soon as Nash receives a Dropoff Enroute status from the delivery provider. When this occurs, the provided drop-off phone number will receive the following SMS message:

The driver is on their way. They should arrive by {{dropoff_eta}}.

The {{dropoff_eta}} is a variable, as designated by the surrounding curly brackets, or braces, and will be replaced with an ETA specific to each delivery.

Status transitions to Dropoff Complete

The final default notification is triggered as soon as Nash receives a "Dropoff Complete" status from the delivery provider. When this occurs, the provided drop-off phone number will receive the following SMS message:

Your order from {{pickup_business_name}} has been delivered.

The {{pickup_business_name}} is a variable, as designated by the surrounding curly brackets, or braces, and will be replaced with the pickup business name specific to each delivery.

Internal Facing Notifications

The remaining notifications are intended to help your internal operations run smoothly. They are created by default but not enabled because the best recipient of these messages will vary. To enable these notifications, you will need to define where they get sent by creating a Destination, and then adding that Destination to the notification(s).

Delivery Booked

The first default notification that could be triggered would happen as soon as a new delivery is created in Nash. This notification is helpful if you do not typically sign in to the Nash portal, but still want to be notified every time a new delivery is created. The default message that is sent is:

A new delivery has been scheduled with Nash. Track here: {{job_tracking_link}}.

The {{job_tracking_link}} is a variable, as designated by the surrounding curly brackets, or braces, that will send you to the same delivery tracking link that your audience as defined by the destination will receive upon Created status.

Task Reassigned

The final default notification on your account could be triggered as soon as a delivery is reassigned from one provider to another. This notification is helpful to keep track of which delivery provider is fulfilling an order. The default message that is sent is:

Task reassigned on job {{job_id}}. Track here: {{job_tracking_link}}.

The {{job_id}} and {{job_tracking_link}} are variables, as designated by the surrounding curly brackets, or braces, that are specific to each delivery. The {{job_tracking_link}} will send you to same delivery tracking link that your end customer will receive and will allow you to see the new delivery provider assigned to the delivery.

Setting Up Flags

On the Nash history dashboard, there is a default view called Flagged. Flags allow teams to be proactive during live delivery operations. You can enable flags for any notification:

Enabling Internal Notifications

As described earlier, internal notifications are not active by default. To activate them you will need to create a Destination and add it to each notification. When adding a Destination, you can select to receive an SMS, email, Slack, and/or a webhook. For more information on creating a Destination read this article.

Once the Destination has been enabled, go back to the Triggers page, find the Notification you need to add the destination to, and click + Destinatiion:

There are three triggers we strongly recommend merchants set up and enable. These triggers are by default disabled when created. Notifications for these triggers can be sent via email, webhook, or Slack.

  1. Failed to Auto Dispatch: Once this trigger is created and enabled, should a delivery fail to auto-dispatch, your team will receive a message that will help you check the cause and dispatch the delivery to a provider according to your dispatch strategy.

  2. Address Validation Failed: Sometimes your end customer may enter the wrong address or zip code, or the address may be different from how Google has it on Maps altogether. This typically happens if there is a lack of address validation during the checkout process for your end customer.
    In these cases, Google will fail to parse the address. Once you receive such an alert for address validation, check the correct address as displayed by Google Maps and update it to the correct address.

  3. Delivery Creation Failed: For customers sending deliveries via the API, delivery creation may fail. For example, pickup time cannot be after the dropoff end time. When this happens there will be an invalid time constraint which will cause delivery creation failure.
    Another reason creation may fail is if your billing isn’t set up completely or payments are overdue causing your account to be deactivated. In this case, if there’s no delivery link then the delivery did not reach Nash. Hence the delivery may need to be created manually once you resolve the issue.


Here is a list of the dynamic text options available. We add them regularly, so you may see more than this when you start typing "{{...".



{{ customer.first_name }}

customer’s first name (first name in dropoff address) This is the “Point of contact” in the job tracking page

{{ customer.last_name }}

customer’s last name (in dropoff address). Might not exist. This is the “Point of contact” in the job tracking page.

{{ customer.phone_number }}

customer’s phone number

{{ }}

customer’s email address

{{ pickup_business_name }}

The business name (e.g. “Spartan Pizza”) from where the order(s) were picked up.

{{ org_name }}

The organization name (e.g. “Joe’s Tacos”) from where the goods were ordered. Might not exist.

{{ job_tracking_link }}

{{ dropoff_eta }}

the estimated time to dropoff formatted as a time with %H:%M AM/PM e.g. “your order will arrive at 11:15 AM”

{{ job_id }}

The job id e.g. “job_oBDDbYnKFCHAfivtjMoabt”

{{ job_cfg_id }}

The job configuration id e.g. cfg_SuC7dAU8VErdhzx9Wa345k


Will pull from the key X in job_metadata. X can be any field


Phone number associated with pickup location.


Pickup datetime localized to the pickup location.


Dropoff Datetime localized to the dropoff location.


exists if dropoff business name is given at time of creation


The external ID of a Job


The type of the delivery incident


The message contained in the delivery incident.


The URL link to the photo proof of delivery

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