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Delivery Details Page
Updated over a week ago

In Nash, you can manage most parts of your delivery via the Dashboard by clicking on the vertical ellipses to the right of the delivery and selecting the action you need to take.

To get more details regarding a specific delivery, or for post-delivery actions, open the Delivery Details page.

The full page will open to show details in three sections:

  1. Provider details

  2. Summary

  3. Map

Provider Details

In the Provider Details section, you can see details including:

  1. Delivery provider

  2. Delivery ID's

  3. ETA's

  4. Delivery price and tip amount

  5. Driver contact details

Support contact details specific to that provider.

Note: When managing live deliveries, if you have questions about the delivery, please reach out directly to the driver or the Support team for the provider.


The center of the page is where the details come together. The Summary provides key information regarding delivery details.

At the top of this section:

  1. The creation date of the delivery.

  2. Dispatch strategy, if one was used.

    1. You may also see Automations in this section if your organization uses them to auto-dispatch your deliveries.

  3. Number of pickup and dropoff locations.

  4. Total distance between pickup and dropoff(s) ​

Package information and delivery activity - including pickup location, and dropoff location - are all fields that can be expanded to see more of the details you or your customer entered at the time the delivery was created.

Delivery Timeline

The timeline of the delivery is based on the driver selecting a status within their app to let you know the status of your delivery.

Note: Not all providers have the same status's available to choose from. If you notice several status's have the same time on them, the likely reason is that the provider doesn't accommodate for all of those status's.

Live Tracking On The Map

The map on the right side of the Delivery Details page provides a dynamic representation of your delivery's progress in real-time. The pickup and dropoff locations are marked, and you can watch the driver's "vehicle" work its way toward the destinations. Once the delivery is complete, you can follow the numbers to see the full route the driver took.


From the Delivery Details page, you can take action on the delivery. On the top right of the page, actions include:

  1. Public tracking links.

  2. Delivery event log, showing the various changes the order has gone through

  3. Edit the delivery.

    1. Note: Editing is not available for most deliveries once they reach a certain status, depending on the provider. A side drawer will pop up on the right either allowing you to edit or with a message that editing is not possible. If you need to change major details of the delivery, cancel the delivery and duplicate to make changes.

  4. Report an incident.

  5. Duplicate: This allows you to duplicate and edit an order easily after it's been submitted.

  6. Reassign.

  7. Cancel Delivery.

  8. Flag

  9. Add a note.
    Note details can be found in the Analytics tab, in Raw Data. Click here for more details about Analytics.

  10. Summary.

  11. Related deliveries.

As always, please reach out to Nash Support via chat if you have any questions!

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